
Paid episode

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How do we protect the state constitution, protect citizen rights, and North Dakota traditions?

Senate sponsor of the SCR 4013 offers amendments to make her bill less problematic; while Watchdog presents entirely new Comprehensive Compromise language.

Yesterday, the Senate State and Local Government Committee hear testimony on SCR 4013. I’ve written about how bad this resolution is before.

North Dakota's Watchdog Update
Powers Reserved To The People
Article I of North Dakota’s constitution is titled “Declaration of Rights”. Article I Section 2. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for the protection, security and benefit of the people, and they have a right to alter or reform the same whenever the public good may require…
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To her credit, Senator Janne Myrdal was hearing this too, and offered up amendments to her own bill to make it less bad - specifically taking out the 67% threshold for approval.

(You can watch the video above, her…

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